Saturday 7 March 2015


Job Description:

Pharmacologists investigate how drugs interact with biological systems. Undertaking in vitro research (using cells or animal tissues) or in vivo research (using whole animals) to predict what effect the drug might have in humans. Pharmacologists aim to understand how drugs operate so they can easily used effectively and safety with no problems. They also conduct research to aid drug discovery and development. Their work involves a high level of collaboration with other scientists.

What it takes:
Pharmacologists must have an advanced degree such as a Ph.D. Students interested in entering the field should take classes in toxicology, chemistry, biology, pharmacology, and microbiology. Pharmacologists must have a strong background in math and science and need to be able to gather, analyze, and understand medical data. Additionally, they should have excellent written and oral communication skills and must be capable of operating medical equipment and other machinery used in research.


University of Auckland
University of Otago
University of Wellington


  1. How long do They have to study for?

  2. You say that pharmacologists need to collaborate with other scientsts. Do you mean scientsts in other fields? If so what ones?

  3. If scientists test out these drugs on animals, or in some cases, parts of animals, how can they be sure that the drug will affect humans in the same way?

  4. Do I need NCEA Level 3 to study for this?

  5. you say that they "must be capable of operating medical equipment and other machinery used in research". what is "other machinery"?

  6. you say that they "must be capable of operating medical equipment and other machinery used in research". what is "other machinery"?


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