Sunday, 28 June 2015

Into the Troposphere

The Troposphere is why we are alive. It keeps us warm and without it we would have an average temperature of minus fifty degrees Celsius. The atmosphere is equivalent to four point five metres thickness of concrete. Without it invisible visitors from space would destroys us and raindrops would beat us silly. The atmosphere extends up to one hundred and ninety kilometres and is divided into four different layers. The Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere and the Ionosphere which is now more commonly known as the Thermosphere. The Troposphere alone has enough warmth and oxygen to keep us alive. It’s thickest at the equator. 

Beyond the Troposphere is the Stratosphere where an invisible boundary lies in between them and flattens storm clouds into anvil shapes. It is called the Tropopause which was discovered in 1902 by a Frenchmen called Leon-Philippe Teisserene de Boit. The temperature there at 10km is minus fifty seven degrees Celsius. After you leave the Troposphere the temperature warms back up to four degrees Celsius because of the absorptive effects of the ozone then it plunges to a minus ninety degrees Celsius in the Mesosphere before it sky rockets to one thousand five hundred degrees Celsius where in the Thermosphere the temperature can vary over five hundred degrees from day to night.

Temperature is the measurement of active molecules. At sea level air, molecules can only move a tiny distance before they bang into each other due to how thick they are. Molecules are always colliding into each other and when they hit one another heat gets exchanged except at fifty kilometres on the top of the Thermosphere where molecules will barely come in contact with each other which is good for spaceships, satellites because if there was more heat any manmade objects would burst into flames.

Spaceships must take extreme care in the outer atmosphere. If a spacecraft comes in at a steep angle for example 6 degrees it can generate drag of an exceedingly combustible nature. Also it could simply rebound back into space.

In the 1780’s people began to experiment with balloon ascents in Europe and were surprised at how chilly it got above the ground. For each one thousand metres the temperature dropped one point six degrees Celsius. They thought the closer you got to a source of heat the hotter it became. The only problem with that is the sun in ninety three million miles away and if it came another hundred metres closer it would cause bushfires in Australia and the smell of smoke in Ohio. Sunlight energises atoms which increases their activity which leads to them banging into each other and releasing heat into the atmosphere. Whenever you feel the warmth from the sunlight its really excited atoms you are feeling.

Altogether there is about five thousand two hundred million tonnes of air around us. Seven hundred and fifty million tonnes of cold air is pinned under billions of tonnes of warm air. The air above our heads is also a source of energy. One thunder storm has enough power to generate four days’ worth of electricity in U.S.A. The sky is a very lively place. Every second about one hundred lightning bolts hits the surface of the Earth accompanied by about forty thousand thunderstorms per day. Air moves due to the internal engine of the planet namely convection. Warm air rises from the equational area until it hits the Tropopause then it spreads out across the sky cooling down overtime until it sinks looking for an area with low pressure and then it heads back to the equator where it finishes its cycle.

Low pressure areas are made from rising air which follows water molecules into the sky forming clouds and rain. Tropical and summer storms are heavier than other storms because warm air can hold more moisture than cool air. Therefore areas with cloud and rain have a low pressured area and areas with sunshine and a fair weather and a higher air pressure. Air pressures are different due to the uneven heat from the sun. Air can’t avoid this so it travels around trying to keep the air pressure even everywhere.

In Ecole Polytechmique in Paris a scientist named Coriolis worked out the details of the interaction in the wind. He explained that anything moving through a straight line laterally to the Earths spin will to the right towards the Northern Hemisphere or to the left towards the Southern Hemisphere. This effect is called the Coriolis Effect and is the creator of spins that create cyclones and sometimes hurricanes.

Oceans differences in temperatures, salinity, depth and density have a huge effect on how heat is moved around. The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific therefore the water is denser.  Because dense water sinks the Atlantic currents do not reach the North Pole.  If they did it would deprive Europe of its warmth. The main heat transfer is Thermohaline circulation which originates in slow, deep currents far below the ocean’s surface which was discovered in 1779 by Count von Rumford. Thermohaline moves heat around and helps to stir up nutrients as currents rise and fall making the oceans habitable for fish and other marine life.

The oceans are crucial for life because they soak up huge volumes of Carbon Dioxide. The sun now burns twenty five percent brighter which should have had a catastrophic effect on the Earth, but life itself is keeping the Earth cool. Trillions of marine organisms capture atmospheric carbon in the form of carbon dioxide which they trap in their shells keeping the earth’s temperature at a liveable level.  If this did not happen the earth’s temperature would rise.  When these organisms die they fall to the bottom of the ocean and turn into limestone keeping the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Unfortunately humans have a knack for burning things as a total of one hundred billion tonnes of carbon dioxide was released into the atmosphere in 1850. Nature has saved us from ourselves with the Earth’s oceans and forests soaking up huge volumes of carbon dioxide. The Earths rapid increase of heat would cause many trees and plants to die and they won’t be able to store carbon dioxide for us.  But luckily nature is magnificent and the cycle of the earth cleaning itself allows organisms to live on it.

Friday, 26 June 2015

Bill Bryson - The Bounding Main

Bill Byson - The Bounding Main 

The chapter “The Bounding main” is about water and the oceans. Water is everywhere,  a potato is 80% , a tomato is 95% and a cow is 74% water . Water molecules move around constantly, pairing with other molecules and then moving along with another .This is why water has surface tension. There are 1.3 billion cubic kilometres of water on earth and there won’t ever be any more because of the water cycle there will be the same amount of water. 97% of water on earth is in the ocean 51.6% of the ocean is the pacific.

The average Depth of the ocean is 3.86 kilometres. In the 1830s British naturalist Edward Forbes surveyed the ocean beds in the Atlantic and Mediterranean and declared there was no life in all the seas below 600 metres. This was proved wrong when one of the first transatlantic telegraph cables were hauled up for repairs from more than 3 kilometres down and was found to be thickly encrusted with corals, clams and other living  things.

In 1930 the first submarine to go 183 metres deep was a cast iron camber with walls 1.5 inches thick (3.81 cm) and had two small portholes containing quartz blocks 3 inches thick. It held only two men . the camber had no manoeuvrability it just hung at the end of a long cable. To neutralize their  own carbon dioxide produced from breathing. they opened cans of soda lime. The men inside were Charles William Beebe and Otis Barton .In 1934 They went down to just  over 900 metres. Barton was confident that the device was safe to a depth of about 900 metres. In 1958 Jacques Piccard designed and made a deal with the navy to build a new bathyscaphe (meaning “deep boat”) that he went down to 10,918 metres it took four hours to fall that far .repeating this today would cost at least $100 million.

It is estimated that about a quarter of every finishing net hauled  up contains “by catch” which is fish that can’t be taken to land because they are too small , are the wrong type or caught in the wrong season. For every kilogram of shrimp harvested, about four kilograms of fish and other marine creatures are destroyed.

Around 1957/8 there was lots of nuclear wastes to get rid of so most countries were just putting their radioactive gunk in metal drums and threw them overboard. It wasn’t very smart because the type of drums they used are the ones you see rusting behind petrol stations. With no protective lining of any type. When they failed to sink the drums where shot at until they did but  this release plutonium , uranium and strontium . before dumping waste was halted in the 1990’s the united states , Russia , china , Japan , New Zealand (The book said NZ but I didn’t think that NZ had ever had any form of nuclear power?) and nearly all the nations of Europe had dumped some form of Nuclear waste into the ocean.

By Ethan Roylance 

Friday, 12 June 2015

Bill Bryson- Dangerous Beauty

Bill Bryson: Dangerous Beauty- Hamish Priest

Dangerous beauty is the 15th chapter of Bill Bryson's "A Short History of Nearly Everything" and its main focus is on a National park in America called Yellowstone Park, and in the 1960s something strange happened. A geologist named Bob Christiansen was studying the volcanic history, the only issue was that he couldn't find the volcano.He was puzzled as he couldn't find a caldera. The reason behind it was the fact that the whole 9,000 square kilometer park was the caldera, the national park was one big volcano.

Yellowstone is known as a super volcano. It sits on a hot spot of molten rock beginning at at least 200 km underground and comes close to the earths surface. This is known as a super plume. The magma chamber is 72km across and 13 km thick. That is the the size of a English country filled with TNT going 13km into the sky and people are walk on top of it! 

The latest 3 eruptions have been massive. The last one was 1000 times more powerful than the VEI (Volcanic Explosivity Index)scale of 5 which was the measurement of Mount St Helens eruption. The one before that was 280 times bigger and the one before that was so big that they couldn't even measure how big it was. Some say it was at least 2,500 times as big but 8000 times as monstrous.

The scary thing about Yellowstone park is they average a massive blow to happen once every 600, 000 years, and the last time it erupted was 630,000 years meaning its 30,000 years overdue and people are walking on it. The last time it erupted, nobody was around so nobody knows what the warning signs are, so nobody knows if Yellowstone is about to blow up . It could be giving us a warning right now and nobody wold know and nobody would know.

The park gets 3 million people visiting every year. If they did know the warning signs and know the park is about to blow, they would assess the degree of danger and inform the superintendent, who would then decide whether to evacuate everyone or not. Once you are past the park gates its every man for himself. 

Yellowstone is also on a fault zone and in 1959 at a place called Hebgen Lake, which is located just outside the park a 7.5 magnitude earthquake happened. It wasn't too big but was so abrupt that it made a mountain side collapse. That was 80 million tonnes of rock going at 160kmh. 28 people died but back then not many people went to Yellowstone so if it happened now the numbers would be much larger.  Also Paul Doss (the national park geologist) reckons that a BIG earthquake is going to happen.

South of Yellowstone there is a place called the Tetons which is a jagged mountain range and 9 million years ago, they didn't exist but then a 64km long fault opened  and supposedly every 900 years a big earthquake happens causing them to grow 2 meters. Saying this the last earthquake that happened there was somewhere around 5-7 thousand years ago meaning like the volcano itself, its over due-Big time.

There are at least 10,000 geysers in Yellowstone which is more than every other one in the world combined, and nobody knows when a new vent might open. Paul Doss showed Bill a place called Duck Lake which was a massive geyser that blew in the last 15,000 years. Paul Doss describe the blow as "several tens of millions of tons of earth and rock and super heated water blowing out at hyper(not super)sonic speed", and once again if another was to happen there would be no warning.

By Hamish Priest                                            

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Bill Bryson - The Earth Moves

This chapter is about how different scientists throughout the century thought about how continents were formed and how they ended up in the positions that they are now.  The reason that this became a topic of interest was the fact that the same types of rocks and plant fossils were found in countries on opposite sides of the oceans.  Also, some scientists had observed that continents like Africa and South America looked like they fitted together.  one early theory by Austrian Eduard Suess said that the earth had cooled and become weaker in the manner of a baked apple pie, creating ocean basins and mountain ranges.  Another theory was that there used to be land bridges between continents, which allowed animals and plants to travel between these land masses.  Finally, scientists decided that the continents did move, and this was called ‘Continental Drift’.  One theory stated that there were convection currents underneath the earth that moved the continents around.  The continents were found to be sitting on large plates that were first called ‘crustal blocks’ or ‘paving stones’.  Finally they agreed to call them ‘plates’.

Connor McKenzie  

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Food Science

Food Scientist

What the scientist does
Food Scientists study the nature of foods using engineering, and biological and physical sciences. They also study the causes of deterioration, the principles underlying food processing, and the improvement of foods for the consuming public, such as preserving of foods, etc.

What qualifications and training you would need
To become a food scientist you will need a Bachelor's degree in food science, food technology or food engineering.

Where to gain qualifications
  • Otago University
  • AUT University
  • Auckland University
  • Lincoln University

What subjects should you take at school
You should take:
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Food & Nutrition

It would be helpful to take all of the subjects at NCEA level 3 for more of a chance of getting into a university.

By Rebecca

Monday, 1 June 2015



Pharmacists prepare, mix and dispense prescribed medicines. They also give patients advice about their medication and medical conditions, and help ensure patients know how to take their medication properly.

To become a pharmacist you need to:
  • have a Bachelor of Pharmacy
  • complete an internship of one year working in a hospital or community pharmacy
  • register with the Pharmacy Council of New Zealand
  • have an Annual Practising Certificate, which requires ongoing training.
You can study Pharmacy at Otago and Auckland University with 5 years training.

Secondary education

NCEA Level 3 chemistry, physics, biology and maths is preferred.  

Personal requirements

Pharmacists need to be:
  • honest and efficient
  • responsible and careful, particularly when dealing with any dangerous drugs they may have on the premises
  • able to work within a professional code of ethics and keep information private
  • accurate, organised and observant, with an eye for detail
  • friendly, patient and helpful, with communication and listening skills
  • good researchers
  • able to manage and train staff
  • good at maths, and have record-keeping skills.
Pharmacists also need to have an understanding and awareness of a variety of cultures.
