Friday, 16 October 2015

The Restless Ape

The Restless Ape
Billy Bryson
Lisa Williams

Ancient humans shaped rocks into tools they could use. The surprising result is that a bunch of tools have been found on the west side of the planet, but none on the east side. Early humans traveled to the east, but apparently they left their tools on the west side for a reason that we don't know. Ancient bones were found in Australia. This means early humans had to cross water in an effective way in order to get here, and they had to take enough people to keep breeding. It is said that there were two waves of people that left Africa. 
Neandertals were a tough species of early humans that somehow disappeared from the planet. It is believed that they co-existed with modern humans for some time. Cro-Magnons, or early Europeans, are thought to be the reason for driving them into extinction. Neandertals were tough and resistant, but their average age was only about thirty
.Mitochondrial DNA was started being used in order to expand our knowledge on the connection between modern humans and ancient humans. In 1997, it was found that Neandertal DNA was nothing similar to modern human DNA.

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