Monday, 21 September 2015


What does a botanist do?
A botanist is a scientist who studies different species and aspects of plant biology such as growing patterns (like how they grow in different conditions), structure (how plants stay up and move with the sun)  and even do experiments on plants to understand many more things about plant biology!
What qualifications do you need to become a botanist?
To become a botanist you need a good all round education including languages, arts, humanities and social scientists in addition to majoring/specialising in plant biology at university, an understanding of full curricular maths mainly in calculus or stats, along with physics and chemistry. To be a qualified botanist you need a minimum of bachelors degree in botany which if succeed first attempt would take around four years to gain.
Where in New Zealand could you get these qualifications?
Otago university has multiple courses to give you the qualifications to become a botanist.
The all new zealand academy offers courses to future botanists.
The university of canterbury offers courses in biology which can help to peoples educations in botany.
what subjects should you take at school and to what level?
To help yourself get a head start in botany from as early as possible take english, a second language, chemistry, biology and mathematics in highschool. at university you should attemp a bachelors degree in botany, a bachelors or masters in plant science, biology or any other closely related subject.
Famous botanists include, George Washington carver and luther burbank who both contributed to the world of botany in various ways.

by Oscar

1 comment:

  1. Do botanists often travel to different countries to study different plants


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